Dr Menitha Samjowan
Medical Manager
Acting CEO
Dear Vula team
“Congratulations on a fantastic, much needed innovation. Your Vula App is instrumental in changing the face of the District Health Referral System in such a positive way.”
At Queen Nandi Regional Hospital, situated in Empangeni, KZN North, we serve a mostly rural demographic catchment of 2,65 million people. We serve 3 health districts, not just one, and we are quite possibly the only regional hospital in KZN to have such a large referral base.
The 16 district hospitals that refer to us are spread over a vast area, and they are all mostly deep rural.
The Vula App, with its ease of use, convenience, appropriateness and targeted approach, is a literal godsend to the rural doctors out in the sticks.
The introduction of Vula into our referral network has been welcomed and lauded by everyone in our system. Keep it up, Vula Team.
Efficient, timeous, appropriate referrals are a key factor in ensuring good quality health outcomes. Vula is ensuring this occurs.
Thank you very much.
Dr Menitha Samjowan
Medical Manager and Acting CEO