Vula Health Referral and Advice
Vula Health Referral and Advice is a platform facilitating interaction between health workers, allowing structured communication in a referral and advice setting. It makes it easy to find on-call specialists for a given area per speciality and handles asynchronous referrals and advice requests for specialist teams.
Connect and Communicate
Patients receive the correct treatment from the correct doctor at the right time, including both the public and private sector.
We offer both clinicians and patients the human side of healthcare by helping them feel supported and part of a community.
Improve Quality
We provide access to daily, weekly, monthly reports and insights.
Vula facilitates effective communication between multidisciplinary health teams structured around the patient’s needs.
Primary caregivers benefit from on-the-job training and mentoring directly from specialists, which ultimately benefits their patients.
Reduce Cost
Since unnecessary specialist appointments are minimised, this improves sustainability of the private healthcare sector.
Opportunity to expand partnerships through learnings from previously unrecordable communication and patient feedback.
Healthier members have reduced complications and lower claims expenditure.
“Being able to contact the registrar or specialist on call directly saves time, anxiety and frustration”
Dr Sa’ad Lahri - Emergency Medicine Khayelitsha Hospital, Western Cape
Vula Health Mentoring
Vula Health Mentoring is a solution that achieves remote asynchronous teaching and mentoring. Vula has been used as a powerful training tool for health science students in top South African Universities.
Learner Support
Mental Health of health workers is a rising concern alleviated through direct contact with Mentors made possible with Vula.
The confidential nature of Instant Message communication vs open forum communication encourages open conversation.
Applied Education
Learner Health Workers are able to validate and discuss patient treatment on a case-by-case basis facilitating applied education.
Addresses specialist skills shortages: by making it easier to contact specialists in an efficient way.
Data analytics
Teaching tool for pre-graduate medical students: A rich database of documented cases is a valuable resource for teaching and testing students.
Learning outcomes are tracked and counts as credits towards qualification.
The University of Pretoria uses Vula to remotely train their Clinical Associate students.The end of year mark for the top 10 students correlated with the students who used Vula the most.
Vula Data
The Vula provides Daily, Weekly, Monthly reports and delivers insights on many data points.
Providing monthly data and reporting which will allow doctors to understand the demographics and utilisation of their practice, the experience, the risk of their patients and the action outputs.
Vula helps you understand referral practices, patterns and preferences amongst your network. It allows specialist teams to export spreadsheets making referral information visible in the system for the first time.
Previously unrecordable communication data is aggregated, valuable and made available to healthcare workers to optimise their practices and identify opportunities.
Vula Engagement Platform
Selected partners who target health workers and can connect to their audience through messaging on the App.
Intelligent Engagement
We serve targeted ads to health professionals “to keep Vula free”
The information is targeted per specialty, per type of health professional and/or geographically.
You reach health workers while they are working, making it more effective communication than email or social media.
The engagement links on Vula are achieving 1000+ impressions per day.
Click through rate is 3x higher than standard healthcare display advertising.*
Advertisements on Vula are achieving 1000+ impressions per day.
“It’s hard to find an environment where the audience is so well defined...outside of Vula I don’t think this exists in SA”
- Howard Moodycliffe (EM Guidance)
Vula Patient Communication
Vula Patient Communication completes the loop by allowing the Vula user or administrator to update the patient via SMS. The details of the SMS is retained and connected to the patient record.
Seamless and Traceable
The SMS is sent easily from the dashboard. No need to re-enter patent information.
Traceability of communication supports accountability and protects health workers.
Improved Patient Experience
Communicating outcomes and progress of health intervention shows respect to the patient.
Traceability of communication encourages and protects health workers.
Better Health Outcome
Appointment reminders and follow-ups improves preventative healthcare