Interview with private optometrist using Vula

Vula Mobile started in 2014 to solve referral challenges in the public health system in South Africa. Since then it has grown and now connects health workers across the public and private sector. Listen to Henry Alexander, a private optometrist describe his experience with Vula. This connection is recognised by the National Department of Health "Moving towards the goals of Universal Healthcare and the National Health Insurance it is important that we all work together and use this common system. Vula is already used in both the public and private sector as well as for referrals between the sectors, paving the way for collaboration and coordination" - Dr Yogan Pillay, Deputy Director General, South African National Department of Health 2019. With over 1,000,000 patients being referred on Vula to date we are continuing to scale. If you are a health worker, please contact to get started on Vula. Or if you know caring health workers who would like to improve their practices further, please share this link with them. Every connection makes the network stronger.

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Provincial approval in Gauteng


Doctors across disciplines are enthusiastic about how the Vula referral app has enhanced their patient care and management, saving time, reducing workload, and smoothing workflows.