Vula - Secure medical chat

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Vula 3.0: join multiple teams, chat with more people

We are proud to announce that we are launching version 3.0 of VULA Mobile, with key features our users have asked for. The app is available to a limited number of users from today, and will become more widely available over the coming weeks.

Join more than one team.

  • Be part of multiple teams at once. For example if you work at both Red Cross and Groote Schuur, you can now join both teams.

  • Go on call for one or multiple teams at the same time.

  • Easily manage your profile. Join different teams, or leave a team, on the app. No need to contact us.

Get a second opinion.

  • Add more people to a chat, in case you need another opinion on a referral.

  • Forward a referral to another department, and choose whether to stay in the chat, or leave.

New inboxes.

  • We’ve divided the inbox into sections: All, Unread, Saved, and Favourites.

  • Favourite a case if you’d like to discuss it later with colleagues or students.

Forward to a different speciality.

  • You can now forward any case to any other speciality without filling in a new form. For example, forward from Emergency Medicine to Obs & Gynae. If you’d like to stay in the chat to monitor the case, you can do so. Or you can choose to leave the chat to stop receiving messages about it.

We’re really excited to release these new features, all based on feedback from our users. We’ve worked hard to make sure the app is fast and bug-free, but please contact us if you spot any issues, by going to You / Settings and Preferences / Send feedback.

We hope you enjoy using the new app!